Friday, 26 February 2016

Bed plantation for increasing productivity of potatoes

Farmers have claimed of harvesting less yield of potato during this extreme winter season, a progressive farmer of Jai Singh Wala village claimed to have harvested a better crop this time using a bed plantation technique at his farm. Bed plantation is a novel technique to use multiple land use. Which is targeted at least double potato earning .As the potatoes grow, add more soil until the bed is filled for increasing its productivity. Growing more food in less land will raise the standard of living of people.

Agriculture growth has brought new short statured varieties that required high input use that witnessed high input use that included fertilizers, irrigation and pesticides. Now the new development is witnessing the evolution of new type of GM crops for conserving technologies for the development efficient use of inputs and conservation of natural resources has become more important than ever. There may be an opportunity to farmers to diversify within this cropping system. 

The furrow irrigated bed planting system provided an opportunity to diversify cropping system by making the multiple land use possible. It is also the most convenient cropping system as most of field operations are mechanized or done by hired labour. Bed planting can help creating an advantage to introduce inter cropping the multiple land use which will take care of the losses in the profit margins and will lead to saving of water resources, as well as energy and labour at the same time. To encourage profitable diversification it has shown the promise of maximum productivity and water saving with minimum land use. Bed planting can prove to contribute to the success of each crop by achieving a substantial surge in the earning as well.


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