Friday, 30 October 2015

World Cities Day

"The key role of urban design in building sustainable, socially integrated and prosperous urban environments.[..] can help tackle climate change. It reduces the impacts of disaster. It can help make our cities safer, cleaner, and more equal and integrative."
Recognizing the significance of urban basic services as a foundation for the overall social and economic development, the UN General Assembly designated on 27 December 2013, by resolution 68/239, 31 October as World Cities Day as of 2014.
The theme of the 2015 World Cities Day promotes togetherness and harmony, making our cities and neighborhoods inclusive and livable.
Planned urbanization maximizes the capacity of cities to generate employment and wealth, and to foster diversity and social cohesion between different classes, cultures, ethnicity and religions. Cities designed to live together create opportunities, enable connection and interaction, and facilitate sustainable use of shared resources.
Cities are one of the most complex human creations. They are the places we design to live together. An initiative for an outdoor, picnic style screening to: bring people together, promote local talent and utilize open spaces.
The Day is expected to greatly promote the international community's interest in global urbanization, push forward cooperation among countries in meeting opportunities and addressing challenges of urbanization, and contributing to sustainable urban development around the world.


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