Monday, 15 February 2016

Campaign against the use of drugs

The Great Khali, known for his professional wresting will be touring the countryside to campaign against the use of drugs. As its well known that Sport participation can play an important and positive role in the health. Athletics play such an important role in our society.

 On March 5, Khali would organize a free-style wrestling competition at Ludhiana. Freestyle wrestling is a style of amateur wrestling that is practiced throughout the world. This is the most effective way to reduce teenage drug and alcohol abuse is to encourage sports sector. Those who cannot pay can get training free of cost. This is the perfect way to tackle crime by using sport to engage young people and create peace and harmony. It will lead to mentoring, education, healthy lifestyle programmes and drug- prevention.
Today, youths get involved in drugs and it has a psychological effect. This free style wrestling competition is a role to play in helping our youths. Allowing your children to participate in youth sports is a fantastic way for children to explore and develop lifelong skills. It is the path in achieving positive developmental benefits from youth sports.
As we all know that playing sports helps you stay in shape, teaches you how to organize your time, boosts friendships & builds relationships with your peers & adults. Even Research shows that children who participate in competitive youth sports tend to enjoy premium advantages later in life and lead a fruitful long life.

This competition can provide many benefits and positive experiences for young athletes. It will help athletes to understand the importance of clean sport, an increased ability to think.

This is the best way to keep the youth away from drugs is to engage them in sports. Punjab is moving forward to its development. The true spirit of Punjabi……


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